Which 3D engine should I use with QT for the best performance -

i working qt development. using qt 3d engine render 3d view pointer cloud, slow, bad performance. can suggest 1 working qt high performance? orge3d or irrlicht or else. thanks

i don't think integration of 3rd party 3d engine easier fixing code have. if need drawing point clouds think code gpu standpoint - upload points gpu before drawing? draw in 1 batch? animated or static? can simplify shaders and/or blending settings? etc...

if need full blown engine can go written in c++ dmitry said (well, not in c++ that's easier). bear in mind you'll need learn engine-specific api , you'll need many things in specific way. may encounter bugs in chosen engine, you'll need fix or work around. besides of you'll add few mb or more of additional dll's, make project bigger , slower load.

if still want have 3rd party engine integrated here few links start from. few ogre:




i've used qtogre once few years ago, 4.x qt, i'm not sure how work qt5.

if need broader view here's qt page possible integrations: https://wiki.qt.io/using_3d_engines_with_qt


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