spring mvc - I can't display my image in my temlate.vm (velocity) -

i'm trying send email template using springmvc. used velocity disay template. problem image in cannot appear in email. , i'm sure src incorrect! here template.vm

<html>     <body>         <h3>hi ${user.login}, welcome chipping sodbury on-the-hill message boards!</h3> <img src="fond-bleu.jpg">         <div>             email address <a href="mailto:${user.emailaddress}">${user.emailaddress}</a>.         </div>     </body> </html> 

your problem has nothing velocity, , i'm pretty sure url not correct:

when displaying image in email, have choose between 3 solutions:

  • hosting image somewhere (then image url http://myserver/...)
  • linking image email attachment (in case image url cid:{0})
  • embedding image in base64 (in case image url data:image/jpeg;base64,...).

there pros , cons each method.


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