javascript - Why does `ng-repeat` on filtered dictionary cause `10 $digest() iterations reached` error? -

consider following plunker

here html

    <div ng-repeat="(id, testoject) in filterlist()">       <div ng-if="testoject['state']">         {{testobject}}       </div>     </div> 

here relevant js

  $scope.test = {     '1': {'state': true, 'label': '1'}   }    $scope.filterlist = function() {     var map = {};      (var key in $scope.test){       if($scope.test[key]['state']) {         map[key] = {           'state': $scope.test[key]['state'],           'label': $scope.test[key]['label']         }       }     }     return map;   }; 

the above code causes 10 $digest() iterations reached error.

however if modify code bit.

  $scope.filterlist = function() {     var map = {};      (var key in $scope.test){       if($scope.test[key]['state']) {         map[key] = true       }     }     return map;   }; 

the error doesn't occur

it seems change detection fired, when new key contain brand new object updated, have 1 object in dictionary, why loop through change detection 10 times?

from error page:

this error occurs when application's model becomes unstable , each $digest cycle triggers state change , subsequent $digest cycle. angular detects situation , prevents infinite loop causing browser become unresponsive.

for example, situation can occur setting watch on path , subsequently updating same path when value changes.

 $scope.$watch('foo', function() {       $ = $ + 1;     }); 

one common mistake binding function generates new array every time called. example:

<div ng-repeat="user in getusers()">{{ }}</div>  ...  $scope.getusers = function() {   return [ { name: 'hank' }, { name: 'francisco' } ]; }; 

since getusers() returns new array, angular determines model different on each $digest cycle, resulting in error. solution return same array object if elements have not changed:

var users = [ { name: 'hank' }, { name: 'francisco' } ];  $scope.getusers = function() {   return users; }; 

the maximum number of allowed iterations of $digest cycle controlled via ttl setting can configured via $rootscopeprovider.

for case, can use following code:

working demo

  var map = {};   $scope.createarray = function() {             (var key in $scope.test){       if($scope.test[key]['state']) {         map[key] = {           'state': $scope.test[key]['state'],           'label': $scope.test[key]['label']         }       }     }     return map;    };    $scope.filterlist = function() {       return map;    } 


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