ios - I want to implement custom navigation bar but status leaves 20 pixels gap.Its not comming on custom navigation bar -

enter image description here 1. completed order custom navigation bar. 2. active order uinavigation bar. 3. want status bar looks active order navigation bar.enter image description here enter image description here

take uiview of size : screenwidth , 64 height.

set background color red.

add label title , 2 buttons search , add desired place in view.

and put view @ (0,0) position. view's origin should (0,0).

update :

your constraints should : top,leading,trailing , fixed height

top = equalto constant 0

leading = view.leading equalto superview.leadind constant 0

trailing = superview.trailing equalto view.trailing constant 0

fixed height = view.height equal 64

yo can check size inspector. click constraint , click size inspector.

make sure when giving(pin) constraints constraint margin unchecked.

check screenshot

enter image description here

hope :)


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