sql - Finding and running FindSQLInstall.vbs script file -

i have problem , i'm trying resolve following link


however, when says

"to complete steps in procedure, have copy findsqlinstalls.vbs script "more information" section local folder on computer trying update sql server installation."

i'm confused on how find "findsqlinstall.vbs" file , how run it.

i'm beginner, appreciated.

i encountered error while trying put sp3 on sql 2008 r2. research lead me same article https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/kb/969052 , findsqlinstall.vbs script.

i not have lot of experience command prompt or .vbs have coworkers have worked through same issue. if have found microsofts kb/969052, in theory need there. if me need bit more. did.

note very lucky, have share folder keep copies of of upgrade/updates install. .vbs found , copied many of missing things (though took me while figure out)

  • create folder on server working on issue 'c:\repair_msi' = puts housekeeping in 1 place
  • save findsqlinstalls.vbs script https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/969052#bookmark-script in folder
    • create text doc, paste in script , rename 'findsqlinstalls.vbs' need show hidden extensions convert .txt > .vbs
  • in command prompt type cd c:\repair_msi = cmd working in folder
  • in command prompt type cscript findsqlinstalls.vbs servername_sql_install_details.txt
  • open new document 'servername_sql_install_details.txt' in folder
  • the document says .vbs found , copied on several missing .msi files
    • missing cache file replaced copying....
    • previously missing package c:\windows\installer\67fe40cc.msi exists in installer cache.
    • validated .msi files reported missing on first error, have been identified .vbs , in c:\windows\installer
    • does not exist, directions occur, called out
  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • !!!! c:\windows\installer\4541a.msi not exist in installer cache. !!!!
  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • the path called out in action plan temp folder on pc of coworker did previous install, no hope of recovery there.
  • no action taken
  • rename 'servername_sql_install_details.txt' > '1-servername_sql_install_details.txt'
  • in command prompt type cscript findsqlinstalls.vbs servername_sql_install_details.txt = run .vbs again
  • open new document 'servername_sql_install_details.txt' in folder
    • new document same old, except says missing .msi present , gives direction if still errors on update
    • the 'does not exist' item still exists. used crtl+f search document , required thing listed.

      copy "c:\users\name\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\lwrnt0cz\sqlserver2005_bc[1].msi" c:\windows\installer\4541a.msi

    • we have folder pretty every sql install , upgrade, on searching find multiple sqlserver2005_bc.msi no 4541a.msi
    • more reading , learn need find correct version of sqlserver2005_bc.msi; copy , rename 4541a.msi
    • can't find version numbers 30+ versions have on share....
  • maybe don't need one?
  • try sp install, not error out, install step (first attempt errored early)
  • pending off hours time slot apply sp production server

in summary

it turns out have run findsqlinstalls.vbs script , run sp install again. .vbs return results include place file when last used version number. if .vbs not find there, need find wants, copy , rename correct name , put correct place.


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