In Excel, format header row's color based on last cell value in a consecutive range -

i'm overthinking this, i've been @ hours , can't work.

my worksheet set contact log, rows (ones contain id# in column a) serve "headers". underneath each "header" row, logging dates in column b. normally, header rows green. i'd excel check last date in column b under each "header" (e.g., 5/24/16 id# 101, 5/13/16 id# 102, etc.). if last date more 1 week old today's date (currently 5/25/16), want "header" row turn red:

a            b id#          date 101 (green)              5/1/16              5/20/16              5/24/16 102 (red)              5/2/16              5/13/16 103 (green)              5/7/16              5/19/16 

and if add row , enter today's date under 102, header row change green.

a            b id#          date 101 (green)              5/1/16              5/20/16              5/24/16 102 (green)              5/2/16              5/13/16              5/25/16 103 (green)              5/7/16              5/19/16 

i'm comfortable using conditional formatting color change, i'm struggling figure out formula reference last value in limited range of values (in column b). hope makes sense, , incredibly appreciated!

give a2 default green fill, select a2 , add formula-based conditional format red fill:

 =offset(b2,iferror(match(true,a3:a40<>"",0)-1, counta(b3:b40)),0)<(today()-7) 

extend "a40" point you'd expect cover max number of dates you'd expect in single block (ie needs include at least next "header").

you can copy > pastespecial > formats extend cf other header cells

enter image description here

the iferror, counta there cover case there no more "headers" below, count number of values in colb instead (assuming there's nothing else below them in column)

not extensively tested, seem work


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