backend - Is Firebase's built-in authentication able to be used on a 3rd party server? -

i'm looking create game server backend game i'm creating. we're using firebase handling of data , ads, , firebase has built in authentication. possible have user log our app via firebase's auth system, confirm user's authentication when connect game server ensure it's are?

basically, after logs our firebase, can use authentication information separate server, , protocol/method need used (if there's specific one)

i've figured out 2 steps need information required auth, 1 clientside , 1 serverside. note: following examples java apis, can use of firebase's equivalents.

clientside: in firebase-auth package, there's firebaseuser object. contains information auth state, unique details, etc. there method here called gettoken(), grab token current authentication. once have this, want send server when need auth.

serverside: on server, there's firebaseauth object. once token client, can use verifyidtoken(), confirm valid token , give details user when result. suggest cross-checking uuid against 1 client sends, confirm didn't hands on token , send random id.

hope helps.


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