php - Catchable fatal error Object of class DOMDocument could not be converted to string -

i lost error:

catchable fatal error object of class domdocument not converted string

this php code:

<?php  require_once('includes/mysqlconnect.php');  require_once('includes/utility.php');   //calling utility  $utility = new utility();   //creating connection   $connection= new mysql();   $connection->connect();   $getcontent= file_get_contents('');  //echo $getcontent;    //create new domdocument object  $doc= new domdocument();    //load html domdoc libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc->loadhtml($getcontent); $utility->removeelementsbytagname('script', $doc); $utility->removeelementsbytagname('style', $doc); $utility->removeelementsbytagname('link', $doc); echo  $doc->savehtml();  //insert html db  try {           $result=$connection->db_query("call finalaggregator.insert_html('$doc')");        if ($result==0){            echo "<span style='color:red;'>error! data saving processes unsuccessful</span>";        }        else {            echo "<span style='color:green;'>data saved!</span>";        } } catch (exception $e){     echo "<span color='color:red;'>error in storing data! please check store procedure.</span>"; }   ?> 

but end showing

dom document not converted string on line 29

i want store the value of $doc database.

when trying to call stored procedure mysql:

call finalaggregator.insert_html("<p>testing123</p>"); 

it working fine.

please me. new php.

my stored procedure follow:

create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `insert_html`( in html longtext) begin     insert finalaggregator.site_html (html) values(html);  end 

you cannot use instance of domdocument string in query. have explicitly convert html string first:

$html = $doc->savehtml(); $result = $connection->db_query("call finalaggregator.insert_html('$html')"); 


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