Creating a jagged array in VBA, writing seems to work but reading fails Type Mismatch -

i'm in sap, trying dump array of guilabel s jagged array.

first parse child's id row , column while filtering out non-guilabel objects.

this part works.

i created variant array represents lines, in each line element put array of strings representing each 'label columns'.

this part seems work no errors

the problem occurs when try read first variant array.

i followed great thread -> how set "jagged array" in vba?

and end of it, seems should able read each of elements simple debug.print myrows(0)(0) , type mismatch !

any advice appreciated !

function labeltoarray(lblcollection variant) variant()      dim myid string     dim mycolumn string     dim myrow string     dim intlastrow integer     dim intlastcol integer     dim myrows variant     dim mycolumns() string      ' create first row     redim myrows(0)      ' every child object in collection     each mychld in lblcollection          ' execute labels         if mychld.type = "guilabel"              ' column , row of current label             myid = split(, "[")(4)             myid = mid(myid, 1, len(myid) - 1)             mycolumn = split(myid, ",")(0)             myrow = split(myid, ",")(1)              ' new row ? reset column counter, set row counter , redim array of rows             ' fail spectacularly if sap stop giving rows in numerical order             if myrow > intlastrow intlastcol = 0: intlastrow = myrow: redim myrows(myrow)              ' reset or resize line's columns array             if intlastcol = 0                 ' set filled out 'mycolumns' array correct 'myrows' object                 if myrow <> 0 myrows(myrow - 1) = mycolumns                 ' testing, print last column in row                 if myrow <> 0 debug.print mycolumns(ubound(mycolumns))                 ' testing, print first column in row                 if myrow <> 0 debug.print mycolumns(0)                 ' testing, print number of columns                 if myrow <> 0 debug.print ubound(mycolumns)                 ' reset mycolumns array because we're on new line                 redim mycolumns(0)             else                 redim preserve mycolumns(intlastcol)             end if              mycolumns(intlastcol) = mychld.text              intlastcol = intlastcol + 1              'debug.print mycolumn & "," & myrow          end if      next      ' copy last row array     myrows(myrow) = mycolumns      ' seems work fine point !      debug.print ubound(myrows)     debug.print myrows(0)(0)  'this line fails, type mismatch (run-time error 13) ! tried cstr(myrows(0)(0))      labeltoarray = myrows  end function 

that error thrown if second dimension not exist. money go on problem.

here's example of array of jagged arrays, last being empty. last line throw type mismatch error because there no second dimension.

dim mainarray(0 3) variant dim subarray variant  subarray = array("a", "b", "c") mainarray(0) = subarray debug.print mainarray(0)(0) 'prints  subarray = array(1, 2, 3, 4) mainarray(1) = subarray debug.print mainarray(1)(0) 'prints 1  subarray = split("hello|world", "|") mainarray(2) = subarray debug.print mainarray(2)(0) 'prints hello  mainarray(3) = empty debug.print mainarray(3)(0) 'type mismatch 

have in locals window , test if arrays correct.

as noted in comments, redim without preserve looks suspicious - think may clearing old arrays.


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