android - Converting base64 into bitmap and loading into recycler view -

i'm trying convert base64 image bitmap image , load using picasso library recycler view. however, error whenever run code saying need pass in uri picasso method.

    public string getimage(){       context context =null;          byte[] decodedstring = base64.decode(image, base64.url_safe);         bitmap decodedbyte = bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(decodedstring, 0, decodedstring.length);           bytearrayoutputstream bytes = new bytearrayoutputstream();         decodedbyte.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, bytes);        path =, decodedbyte, null, null);         return uri.parse(path);     } 



once have downloaded , decoded bitmap, there no point of using image loading library. of benefits (request queue , cache) lost. can use holder.reportimage.setimagebitmap(bmp);

another approach write custom requesthandler, decode base64 data after downloading.


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