switch statement - Windows container -

i have created azure vm windows server 2016 tp5.

on server able create images containers , docker engine installation.

my issue follows

first time working proper. shutdown vm through azure portal , next day started portal, not able start container created on vm error belwo

ps c:> docker start iisdemo error response daemon: failed create endpoint iisdemo on network nat: hns failed error : failed create e ndpoint error: failed start containers: iisdemo

virtual switch details below .

befor stutdown vm, virtual switch type internal (powershell command à get-vmswitch) name switchtype netadapterinterfacedescription

---- ---------- ------------------------------

nat internal

after start vm, virtual switch type changed blank (no switch type assign vm switch) name switchtype netadapterinterfacedescription

---- ---------- ------------------------------


please me how resolve issue

ran same issue azure tp5 vm. rebooting didn't work, removing static mappsings didn't work, re-deploying new azure host got working.

it's not solution, workaround, @ least.


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