javascript - How to remove multiple divs from a webview by class and id? -

i trying remove multiple divs class , id webview.

how can this?

this have tried:

 webview.loadurl("javascript:(function() { " +                         "document.getelementsbyclassname('header-top')[0].style.display='none'; " +                         "document.getelementsbyclassname('inchoo-socialconnect-login')[0].style.display='none';" +                         "document.getelementbyid('before-footer')[0].style.display='none';" + "document.getelementbyid('footer')[0].style.display='none';" + "})()"); 

in code above remove first element found. method getelementsbytagname returns array, loop through elements rather [0] element things done.

also recommend call javascript function in webpage rather printing entire function in webview.loadurl


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