Difference between colors with a same rgb value in sRGB space and CIE RGB space -

could tell me why colors same rgb value (for example 127, 127, 127) same in image using srgb space , 1 using cie rgb space? since 1 non-linear (with gamma correction) , other 1 linear (without gamma correction), think should kinda different. image i've created looks same (i used photoshop create former , latter, tried photoshop, opengl , opencv).

the difference coming when manipulating image or color (changing brightness or saturation of image). visible when lowering saturation of yellow. try in photoshop rgb , lab mode. not switch grayscale mode, because using luminance correction, saturation slider in adjustment>hue/saturation menu.

you can see difference when playing color picker (just scroll down full-blown example), represents colors in cie lch space (it using cie lab in background).


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