python - Changes to Django Context not showing in template -

i have template has variables printing context created in view. has been working couple of months.

i have added new variables context, won't show in template.

when run django project locally, if remove comma in between 2 of variables in context, error, expected. if add comma back, new variables in template. when push changes openshift, new variables never show up. in fact, if remove of existing variables, template still renders if there.

i have cleared cache in browser. didn't fix it. i'm not using caching in django (a search 'cache' in shows no hits).

clearly, caching somewhere, can't figure out where. since changes show in browser when running locally, i'm confident there aren't syntax errors in python code. here context listing:

        context = {          'slug': 'admin home .'         , 'players': len(players)         , 'paid': totalpaid         , 'unpaid': len(unpaid)         , 'monday': monday         , 'tuesday': tuesday         , 'wednesday': wednesday         , 'donations': donations         , 'ssmall': ssmall         , 'smedium': smedium         , 'slarge': slarge         , 'sxl': sxl         , 'sxxl': sxxl         , 'page': page     } 

here example of 1 of variables not showing in template:

    large: {{slarge}} 

and slarge variable has value. checked running of code in shell, , said above, shows on rendered page.

i changed page title in head section, , changes show well, whenever variable populates correctly on page.

from i've read, sounds apache and/or mod_wsgi openshift uses caching something(s), don't know how fix it. have restarted application within openshift, hasn't fixed it.

i appreciate help.

i should have mentioned, first django project.

i making of these changes in section of class rather post section, , should have been in post section.


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