java - Benchmarking the performance of im4java -

i using im4java in project various image processing techniques such cropping, resizing, filling , rotating. before using java.lang.runtime.exec run commands in command prompt. when bench marked 2 methods, gave same result! don't need parallel processing feature of im4java, because output of 1 process input of other, hence sequential. in case, provides 1 advantage: ease of use. , that's all.

do think missing or lacking somewhere in code? suggestions of great help. in advance!

yes, right using im4java along gives same performance did runtime.exec. or maybe slower because has command building , translation layer.

but if applicaiton convert lot of images in 1 run (or large scale concurrent processing), please let me shamelessly introduce gm4java, can improve performance.

gm4java makes use of developed batch/interactive mode of graphicsmagick aovid starting new graphicsmagick process again , again every command. can used supplement im4java or execute command built runtime.exec.


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