Needs a helping hand setting up a kik bot with python -

need setting bot. i'm newbie in not familiar alot python perl , php.

a. created bot thru kik
b. ran pip install kik on server
c. created test code

             '',             auth=('', ''),             headers={                 'content-type': 'application/json'             },             data=json.dumps({                 "webhook": "",                 "features": {                     "manuallysendreadreceipts": false,                     "receivereadreceipts": false,                     "receivedeliveryreceipts": false,                     "receiveistyping": false                 }             })     )  

i filled in username, api key , created web hook test script in perl prints hello world.

work above code?

how run on server. have continually running , if how.

on server running python 2.6. ok.

david strong text

i solved it:

i added @ beginning of code:

import requests; import json;


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