JSON file store in PHP variable -

when open https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=xxxx json file. want store in php variable , use json_decode() function convert string. how can directly store json content in php variable giving link.

simplest solution use http stream wraper file_get_contents().

$data = json_decode( file_get_contents('theurl') ); 

if need more control on http request made, take @ stream context options.

if need more error handling take @ stream notifications.
can use

$fp = fopen('http://....', 'rb'); if ( !$fp ) {   someerrorhandling(); } $data = json_decode( stream_get_contents($fp) ); 

in case can combine stream_get_meta_data() more http relaed stuff request/stream.

see also: allow_url_fopen (because url wrappers can disabled via configuration...)


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