javascript - What are the main differences between Babel and TypeScript -

i know typescript used write angular2, makes better choice wants angular2, when @ babel looks typescript.

i noticed many known companies stick babel.

some questions:

  1. what advantages have on each other?
  2. which make them better or worse choice project/developer?
  3. what major differences between them , make them unique?

typescript superset of javascript compiles down plain javascript (es3+). main goal of typescript enable developers leverage excellent static typing capabilities. suitable large applications benefit features like:

  • type annotations & type inference.
  • generics.
  • interfaces, enums, namespaces, modules , classes (the latter 2 available in es6).
  • safe refactoring.

as far aware, babel "transpiles" newer ecmascript features down format supported older ecmascript environments. suitable developers want write plain javascript using newer language features.


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