javascript - Handlebars.js Not Printing Object Key Value ( V4.0.5 ) -

i'm running strange issue. handlebars not seem want print value object. printing other values object in template, returning blank 1 specific field ( , it's not empty string). see below. (network.colors.navbar field issue)


<script>         window.networkinfo = {{{json network}}}; </script> </head> <body class="animated-content infobar-overlay {{ network.colors.navbar }} ">     <div class="master-overlay" style="display:none;"></div> 


<script>     window.networkinfo = {"_id":"5744b94d4acb546c653cbf73","host":"","name":"deximedia","email":"","colors":{"brand":"navbar-brand-warning","navbar":"navbar-indigo","sidebar":"sidebar-indigo"}}; </script> </head> <body class="animated-content infobar-overlay  "> 

the weird thing is, when json.stringify() network object right above it, shows value exists , not empty.

i tested in both v4.0.3 & v4.0.5. tested triple curly vs double curly, , still same issue. none of other fields have issue.

**note: object created model.findone mongoose.

mongoose issue. not mongoose error, mistake on end (colors.navbar enum missing specific string constant). hope helps else strange error.


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