javascript - Disable a specific linter rule in Atom (for js-standard) -

how tell atom linter, js-standard, ignore rule? want ignored project-wide, , thought achieve package.json or .eslintrc can't either work. rule want disable camelcase

i should able in package.json file, because js-standard linter has option called honorstylesettings:

honors style settings defined in package.json.

current style settings supported:


what's syntax of these settings?

for record, here's how use js-standard in atom while selectively disabling rule.

  1. disable linter-js-standard atom package
  2. install linter-eslint
  3. add .eslintrc file:

    {   "extends": ["standard"],   "rules": {     "camelcase": 0   } } 

you may need install standard , eslint via npm, if don't have them already.


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