android - Open ports for accessing GCM servers (hostname, IP and ports needed) -

we have requirement project send push notifications android devices. understand, gcm way go. company network team needs open firewall ports connect gcm send push notifications. need development , production environment. not sure if gcm has development environment. here questions:

(1) ports 5228,5229. is/are ip address(es)to specify server?

(2) ports 5230 , 443. is/are ip address(es) specify server?

(3) there development environment gcm? if yes, is/are gcm server hostnames, ip addresses , ports?

thanks in advance.

from docs:

if organization has firewall restricts traffic or internet, need configure allow connectivity fcm in order firebase cloud messaging client apps receive messages. ports open are: 5228, 5229, , 5230. fcm typically uses 5228, uses 5229 , 5230. fcm doesn't provide specific ips, should allow firewall accept outgoing connections ip addresses contained in ip blocks listed in google's asn of 15169.


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