android - marker is not stick to given position on map while spinning the map -

i observed strange behavior of marker on map while spinning/rotating map 1 direction other.

in code have moved map center point upward marker location display current ongoing cursor @ bottom of map per suggestion nikunj in post. seems working fine while in zoomed view , when polylinie drown vertically.

when polyline drown towards left or right marker displayed in opposite direction expectation of marker draw on polyline.

for placing marker is: getting nearest latlng of polyline current location , assigning marker , animating parking polyline's point.

following snapshots of issue.

1) when polyline vertically straight : enter image description here

2) when polyline in right side : enter image description here

3) when polyline in left side : enter image description here

if has faced same issue please suggest me solve issue.

you need set anchor of image on marker. example:

markeroptions markeroptions = new markeroptions()     // set options marker     .anchor(0.5, 0.5); 


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