etl - Downloading files with pentaho kettle -

i'm trying create job can download several files via http. list of these files in mysql table. create main job these steps in line: start, set variables, filelist (a transformation created), download (a job i've created) , success.

the transformation filelist contains following steps: table input , copy rows result (this transformation communicates database , gives list of urls main task). task download contains following steps: start, http, success (this task should download files computer).

all doesn't work, why? know better way same thing?

i expect have basic knowledge of kettle. so, getting list of db not issue. guess stuck @ having kettle download , save of files - running loop.

the step downloading file "http" , available in jobs. trick have job (containing http step download) executed every file - or use kettle-lingo "executed every row". url passed down download-job parameter set field.

if didn't you, check out following link go more detail how accomplish feat (it kind of feat - shouldn't 1 though):


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