Unable to select dropdown item in dojo combobox when displayed in bootstrap modal dialog for IE -

when displaying dojo combobox in bootstrap modal dialog, unable select dropdown item.

in fact drop down options display behind dialog in use high z-index (e.g. 1100) fix it

while mentioned solution work chrome, unfortunately did not work ie.

subsequent research reveal may due focus issue


bclarkejr commented on mar 15, 2013

not sure if waiting fix bootstrap, still think dropdowncontainer fix required. modals take away focus page, not bootstrap. know, it's how modals supposed work (e.g. if isn't in modal, can't receive focus).

while article provide me insight on situation, not find solution counter, guys have advice?

i have created jsfiddle this:


require([   "dojo/store/memory",    "dijit/form/combobox",    'dojo/dom',   'dojo/parser',   'dijit/registry',   "dojo/domready!" ], function(   memory,    combobox,   dom,   parser,   registry ){   var store1 = new memory({     data: [       {name:"alabama", id:"al"},       {name:"alaska", id:"ak"},       ...     ]   });    var id = 'mycountry1';   parser.instantiate([dom.byid(id)]);   var control = registry.byid(id);   control.set('store', store1);    $('#mybutton').click(function() {     var store2 = new memory({       data: [         {name:"alabama", id:"al"},         {name:"alaska", id:"ak"},         ...       ]     });      var id = 'mycountry2';     parser.instantiate([dom.byid(id)]);     var control = registry.byid(id);     control.set('store', store2);      $('#mymodal').modal('show');   }); }); 

when browsing fiddle in ie, can select option drop down outside of dialog cannot select option drop down inside dialog


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