linux - How to get specific string from a file and store it in new file in shell script? -

i have 1 sql file contain data in file line follow:

insert a=1 , b=2;   insert a=2 , b=10; 

like many lines there want fetch these lines contain "insert" keyword till semicolon , create new file , save new file.

using shell script.

$ sed -n '/^\s*insert/p' data > newfilename $ cat newfilename  insert a=1 , b=2; insert a=2 , b=10; 

or using grep:

$ grep '^insert' data > newfilename  $ cat newfilename  insert a=1 , b=2; insert a=2 , b=10; 

using awk:

$ awk '/^insert/' data > newfilename $ cat newfilename  insert a=1 , b=2; insert a=2 , b=10; 


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