database - Run time error 3192 Could not find table -

i doing program in access 2013 , im trying make form insert data table (via vba code), created subform (tblclients_subform) containing every "tblclients" data odd reason throwing me error:

    "could not find tblclients_subform"  

here entire block:

    "currentdb.execute "insert tblclients_subform (clientid, clientname, gender, " & _     "city, [address], [cellphone/telephone])" & _     "values (" & me.txtid & ",'" & me.txtname & "','" & me.cbogender & _     "','" & me.txtcity & "','" & me.txtaddress & "','" & me.txtcellphone & "')" 

what doing wrong? there way make form insert data in subform table?


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