python - Issue with ® symbol crashing IDLE -

i doing assessment university have scrape websites , display information using tkinter. website using uses ® symbol instead html code ®. every time run code, idle crashes. wondering if knows way around issue.

    urllib import urlopen     re import findall     tkinter import *     htmlparser import *      games_window = tk()     games_window.title('top 10 games specials')     games_window.geometry('1000x1000')       games_contents = urlopen("").read()     gam_info = findall('<img src="([\w\.:/]*.jpg[?t=0-9]*)[a-z\s?="<>/_]*([\w\.\-\(\) \':$&!®]*)[a-z\s/<>="_]*([\w ,]*)[\w\s/<>="&-;%#]*([0-9\.$]*)[\w\s/<>]*([0-9\.$]*)',games_contents)      info01 = label(games_window, text = gam_info[0][1], font=("courier", 15), relief=sunken) = 230, y = 450)      games_window.mainloop() 


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