performance - Standard Method of Simplifying Polynomial Formulas -

i trying reduce time takes (mostly) polynomial formula complete, non-recursive. there exist method in order reduce amount of processing required complete task?

for instance if run code:

if(distance > sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)) { dosomething(); } 

this better implemented into:

if(distance*distance > dx*dx + dy*dy) { dosomething(); } 

my question is, there standard way of knowing how simplify things this, kind of how if have formula, follow pemdas boiled down number. equation trying simplify this:

offset = |distance*(xobj-xcamera)-base*(base-depth)-distance*base| / hypot(distance, base); //variables are: distance, xobj, xcamera, base, depth; 

i know couple of ways improve it, more i'd know if can solve methodically vs intuition.


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