matplotlib - shows full graph but savefig is cropping the image (python) -

my code succesfully saving images file, cropping important details right hand side. answers exist fixing problem when arises, savefig command incorrectly producing graph in example. how can fixed?

the relevant sample of code:

import glob import os file in glob.glob("*.oax"):     try:         spc_file = open(file, 'r').read()         newname = file[6:8] + '-' + file[4:6] + '-' + file[0:4] + ' ' + file[8:12] +  ' utc (observed) - no sea breeze day'         plt.title(newname, fontsize=12, loc='left')         plt.savefig('x:/' + newname + '.png')            except exception:         pass 

and images (top , bottom file produced savefig:

image when shown image when saved file

you may try

plt.savefig('x:/' + newname + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') 

or may define figure size like

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 11)) ... plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = 'tight') 


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