javascript - NodeJS Express - Want to run handler twice on single route -

i have route router.get('/generatedoc', handlerequest); , want run handlerequest twice. can suggest me how tackle situation.

below code example.

function handlerequest(req, res, next) {     (var = 0; < 2; i++) {         cacheservice.clean();         pdfcontroller.generatepdfs(req, res, next);     } } 

it's odd thing require, can it:

function handlerequestinnards(req, res, next) {   cacheservice.clean();   pdfcontroller.generatepdfs(req, res, next); }  function handlerequest(req, res, next) {   handlerequestinnards(req, res, function() {     handlerequestinnards(req, res, next);   }); } 

you have more luck library bluebird can make promise , stuff like:

function handlerequest(req, res, next) {   promise.all([     handlerequest(req, res),     handlerequest(req, res)   ]).ascallback(next); } 


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