javascript - How to connect by solClientjs? -

i download solclientjs- demo website,and wanna use the sample connect own solace,but doesn't work. "readme" text file told "to run samples, must configure solace appliance accept connections samples. see chapter 'quick start' in api developer guide."i didn't find way configure solace appliance accept configure?

enter image description here enter image description here

the solace javascript api makes use of web messaging feature. note web messaging solace physical appliance requires separate product key unlock. different vmr, comes web messaging unlocked.

please verify following:

  1. if using solace physical appliance (not vmr), need have web messaging product key. on cli, execute following verify.
 solace> show product-key  product key : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx   unlocked features : 1     web transport service 
  1. verify web messaging service enabled, , configured web messaging port. necessary lines check in bold. default web messaging port 80.
 solace> show service  msg-backbone:       enabled   smf:              enabled     web-transport:  enabled   rest incoming:    enabled   rest outgoing:    enabled   mqtt:             enabled  ...                                          status service  tp  s c r vrf   msgvpn          port  o failed reason -------- --- ----- ----- --------------- ----- --- --------------------------- semp     tcp n - - mgmt                     80 u u semp     tcp y - - mgmt                    443 u u smf      tcp n n n msgbb                 55555 u u smf      tcp n y n msgbb                 55003 u u smf      tcp n n y msgbb                 55556 u u smf      tcp y n n msgbb                 55443 u u smf      web - - - msgbb                    80 u u 


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