osx - Eclipse won't start after Mac failed to load OS -

so, mac (os x el capitan ver. 10.11) slow day, point itunes lagging in playing song. restarted it. 2-3 hours, slowed down again, restarted again.

after that, mac stucked on page gray apple , loading bar below, screen when os loaded. after getting safe mode once, go desktop normally, mac still lagging here , there abnormally.

then, tried start eclipse, , won't start. said "an error occurred", , tell me see log. here's said log: https://jpst.it/ipls

i've tried suggestions found , none of these work, same error log persists:

  • clean start using -clean
  • erase .metadata on workspace
  • erase .lock on workspace
  • update el capitan 10.11.5 (which blind attempt, because eclipse ran fine before)

in case it's related, when back-up projects after happened (the first time succeed reach desktop), 1 of projects failed copy-pasted (it's not cut or move), project actively working on when os slowed down.

does have idea have happened?

looking @ log have:

caused by: java.util.zip.zipexception: error reading zip file 


java.lang.linkageerror: error reading class bytes: com.ibm.icu.impl.ubidiprops 

which suggests eclipse installation files have been damaged rather workspace. try doing clean install of eclipse.


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