javascript - Cordova plugin background mode : onactivate is not working the first time (android) -

i'm trying use background mode plugin in ionic application i'm encountering issue.

i same thing shown in readme of github project backgroundmode.onactivate. work fine if not working second time go background.

if has idea issue, i'd glad hear :)

sample code :

 $ionicplatform.ready(function() {  document.addeventlistener('deviceready', function () {  // android customization  cordova.plugins.backgroundmode.setdefaults({ text:'doing heavy tasks.'});  // enable background mode  cordova.plugins.backgroundmode.enable();   if(cordova.plugins.backgroundmode.isenabled()){      console.log('hi, enabled. signed : backgroundmode.');    }   // called when background mode has been activated  cordova.plugins.backgroundmode.onactivate = function () {      settimeout(function () {          // modify displayed notification          cordova.plugins.backgroundmode.configure({              text:'running in background more 5s now.'          });          console.log('running in background more 5s now.');      }, 5000);  } }, false); 

note : line hi, enabled. signed : backgroundmode. when application launched.

i changed way of doing things round problem. did not manage understand bug though :(

document.addeventlistener("pause",onpause,false);  function onpause() {   $timeout(function() {     console.log("running in background more 5s ...");   }, 5000);  }; 


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