java - How do I do matchTemplate by iterating all image in a folder? -

i want match character image cropped image set of template image of alphabets folder. used template matching opencv match them. can cropped image mapped first image template folder , go next image image.

my question how can iterate through template folder cropped image find correct character match to. , using matchtemplate correct way use or need use other function?

is want? here iterate on directory , break loop if template_matching() returns true

import;   file dir = new file("folder-with-images");   file[] files = dir.listfiles();   for( int i=0; < files.length; i++ ){     string path = files[i].getabsolutepath();     // check file type , work jpg/png files    if( path.tolowercase().endswith(".jpg") || path.tolowercase().endswith(".png") ) {       pimage image = loadimage( path );       // if template_match(image), break     }  } } 


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