delete custom customer attribute in magento -

i have created custom attribute customer in magento.

i have accidentally set wrong type attribute.

now want either modify attribute or delete 1 , create new attribute.

can 1 tell me whether can delete or modify custom attribute in magneto or not?

thanks in advance.

you can create upgrade script in 1 of modules content:

$this->updateattribute('customer', 'attribute_code_here', 'type', 'varchar'); //or other type 

basically can change attribute customers, categories & products this;

$entitytype = 'customer';//or catalog_category or catalog_product $attributecode = 'attribute_code_here'; $changewhat = 'field_name_here'; $changeinto = 'new value here'; $this->updateattribute($entitytype, $attributecode, $changewhat, $changeinto); 

to remove attribute run this:

$this->removeattribute('customer', 'attribute_code_here'); 

it follows same rules above.


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