android - Cordova debug: the specified file was not found -

i'm working on cordova project android using visual studio 2015. can build project without error , can deploy on ripple.

but when want deploy on real device or on emulator, i'have same error: specified file not found. no more information in error list or output (using diagnostic output).

when try deploy on emulator, emulator receive application , can use when app lauched have pop-up visual studio: "the specified file not found" , can't debug.

when try deploy on real device, have directy pop-up: "there deployment error. continue ?" if click on "yes", have popup "the specified file not found".

i have solution , explanation error. thank in advance, can't work kind of error except deploying on emulator , don't use debugging...

it seems missing third party component (such android studio), cordova creating android project, android not compiling project android app. that's why deploys on ripple (which uses first half of build) fails on second half. i'd make sure have android home set (check path in tools->options->tools apache cordova). otherwise, feel free email question + current project can take @ on machine.

linda zhong, tools apache cordova pm


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