mvc - MVC 5, true SEO Friendly Routes -

i wanna make urls seo friendly. have seen lot of articles , other posts on subject, of them ends urls like: /products/34/my-handbag

i wanna end urls like: /gucci/my-handbag

i have controls product names "gucci" , "my-handbag", need routing send me products controller.

this working right now:

routes.maproute( name: "productdetails", url: "{brand}/{title}", defaults: new { controller = "productviews", action = "details", brand = "", title = "" }

any suggestions?

you're on right path. can generate url like: means of following route.

routes.maproute(  "default", // route name  "{brand}/{details}", // url parameters  new { controller = "productviews", action = "details", brand = urlparameter.optional, details = urlparameter.optional }// parameter defaults ); 

you can handle title, search product in db if it's unique. if have add unique number @ end of url like;

routes.maproute(  "default", // route name  "{brand}/{details}-{id}", // url parameters  new { controller = "productviews", action = "details", brand = urlparameter.optional, details = urlparameter.optional, id=urlparameter.optional }// parameter defaults ); 

hope helps.


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