javascript - Input field is not working in IE11. How can I troubleshoot? -

in angular application, have simple input field nested inside dropdown menu. in firefox, works normally, can enter text when click inside input field.

the problem in ie11 not work. when not work, mean input field can't clicked, can't enter text area.

here code have utilized:


<span class="dropdown hidden-xs">     <i class="tcm-chevron glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down expand-icon dropdown-toggle"        aria-hidden="true"        role="button"        aria-labledby="expand application experience summary dropdown menu"        ng-src="{{dropdown_appexperience}}"        data-toggle="dropdown"        alt="expand application experience summary dropdown menu"></i>      <ul class="dropdown-menu appexperience tilecontextmenu">         <li class="gridster-form"             role="form"             aria-labeledby="gridster layout form"             alt="tile display input column input row">              <span class="dropdown-text">                 col <input type="text" value="tiledata.col" ng-model="tiledata.col" class="input-col">                 row <input type="text" value="tiledata.row" ng-model="tiledata.row" class="input-row">                      <i class= "fa fa-arrows"></i>             </span>         </li>     </ul> </span> 

here css stylesheet in case become useful:


.tilecontextmenu:after {     content: '';     position: absolute;     border-style: solid;     border-width: 0 15px 15px;     border-color: #ffffff transparent;     display: block;     width: 0;     z-index: 1;     top: -15px;     left: 135px; }  .tcm-chevron {     color: white;     padding-right: 10px;     float: right; }  .input-col {    text-align: center;    width: 25px;    height: 25px; }  .input-row {    text-align: center;    width: 25px;    height: 25px; }  .gridster-form {    color: #000;    text-align: center; } 

does have ideas how can fix input field? have isolated code in jsfiddle -- , works fine.

my question you, how should troubleshoot problem? don't know should next course of action... suggestions help.

i apologize ambiguity (confidentiality reasons limit can share)


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