How to get a data I put when I start intent for TweetComposer on onActivirtResult in android -

i'm using tweetcomposert.builder share link intent below.

intent intent= new tweetcomposer.builder(activity)             .text("")             .createintent()      intent.putextra("abcd", refno);      activity.startactivityforresult(intent, constants.request_twitter_share ); 

result should go onactivityresult in mymainactivity.

protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {...} 

i expected can data put when executed 'startactivityforresult' data.getintextra("abcd", 0), there nothing.

is there idea it?


you puts data activity started. if want result, should set result in activity started. link method setresult(). read twitter documentation. may doesn't return data in intent.


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