error handling - how to capture bulletin messages in apache nifi -

i want know if there way capture bulletin messages(basically errors) appear on nifi ui , store in attribute/file can looked upon later. screen gets refreshed every 5 min , if there failure in of processors want know reason it.

i not particularly talking logging part here.

as know, bulletins reflect messages logged. content stored in {nifi_home}/logs/nifi-app.log. however, if wanted consume bulletin directly have couple different options.

  • you consume bulletins rest api. there couple endpoints accessing bulletins.


this request status (including bulletins) of components under specified process group. can use alias 'root' root level process group. recursive flag indicate whether or not return children of process group or descendant components.


this request status (including bulletins) of controller level components. includes reported bulletins controller services, reporting tasks, , nifi framework (clustering messages, etc).


this request access bulletins , supports filtering based components, message , limiting number of bulletins returned.

  • you create reporting task implementation has access bulletin repository. reporting tasks extension point meant report details nifi instance. require java code allow report bulletin's like. here example reports metrics ambari [1].



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