c# - How do I append objects to a JSON variable? -

the issue here instance of class "obj" re-created every time run through loop @ end of loop, have 1 set of object. should have several.

foreach (var project in projectsdictionary) {     foreach (var season in seasonsdictionary)     {         foreach (var episode in episodesdictionary)         {             obj = new parent             {                 title = project.value, link = "1", children = new list<parent>                 {                     new parent                     {                         title = season.value, link = "1", children = new list<parent>                         {                             new parent                             {                                 title = episode.value, link = "1", children = null                             }                         }                     }                 }             };         }     } }  var responsebody = jsonconvert.serializeobject(obj); return responsebody;  public class parent {     public string title     {         get;         set;     }      public string link     {         get;         set;     }      public list<parent> children     {         get;         set;     } } 

outside first loop define obj list.

var obj = new list<parent>();


obj.add(new parent(...));


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