vb.net - Visual studio Progressbar control: blue color -

using progressbar control can use default green one.

looking in windows 7 have noticed control, see image below.

enter image description here

i found article: windows progressbar

my question is, how use control in visual studio 2013 labelling blue progress bar?


edit: blue color, not red, yellow or green one. control called "meter".

sorry not accessible stated:

in windows vista, progressbars come in different flavors, common progressbar being green one. however, there red , yellow versions (there blue version, known meter, inaccessible). progressbar colors seem correspond specific progressbar states. can set these states using pbm_setstate [0x40f] message. states pbst_normal [0x0001], pbst_error [0x0002] , pbst_pause [0x0003].

but if interested possible access red , yellow color using following:

declare auto function sendmessage lib "user32.dll" (byval hwnd intptr, byval msg integer, byval wparam integer, byval lparam integer) integer enum progressbarcolor     green = &h1     red = &h2     yellow = &h3 end enum  private shared sub changeprogbarcolor(byval progressbar_name progressbar, byval progressbar_color progressbarcolor)     sendmessage(progressbar_name.handle, &h410, progressbar_color, 0) end sub 

example of usage:

changeprogbarcolor(progress_bar, progressbarcolor.red) 


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