mongodb - No common protocol found when add shard in local network -

i'm trying build small cluster using mongodb sharding. tried in localhost , works perfect. when try on local network there 2 nodes, node1 , node2, not work. in both nodes, mongod started serve shard. in node1, config server , mongos started. listening exclusively allocated ports.

i can connect , things both nodes. when use mongo login mongos in node1, can add node1 mongod shard when try add node2, error occurs:

mongos> sh.addshard("<ip of node2 in local network>") { "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "no common protocol found.", "code" : 126 } 

i did searching few documentation error.

mongo addshard "no common protocol found" errmsg 126 shows same error not seem helpful.

couple of things check

a) using same version of mongod on machines.

b) using same kind of storageengine on machines.


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