javascript - Swiper JQuery if statement involving .hasClass and .toggleClass -

without writing novel of backstory, using swiper, i'm trying call .toggleclass on html element, whenever 1 of swiper slides has class of swiper-slide-active. can have text appear on single slides, instead of slides @ same time.

here visual of i'm describing: — if click caption @ bottom project information comes up, drag rtl, you'll notice project information second project visible short time. disappears (correctly) because of other code have, l not appear @ (until click caption on slide).

i've been trying if statement single out active slide , set subsequent click function, not working , can't figure out life of me. can jquery, reason, not see swiper-slide-active when happens?

if ($('.swiper-slide').hasclass('swiper-slide-active')) {   $('.overlay-caption', this).toggleclass('overlay-caption-active');   $('.overlay-caption-box', this).toggleclass('overlay-caption-box-active'); }; 

here sample of html structure. there ~7 different slides this, overlay-caption , overlay-caption-box classes.

<div class=“swiper-slide”>   <div class=“caption-box information-00”>     <a class=“caption links”>       text text text text text text     </a>     <div class=“overlay-caption-box”>     </div>   </div>   <div class=“overlay-caption”>     <div class=“project-information”>       text text text text text text text text text text text text     </div>   </div> </div> 

hopefully makes sense! been long 10-12 hours of work on site today, realize problem near end of night.


instead of changing display, locked swiping different slides while project information visible. way user doesn't know of captions open because s/he can't scroll them. forces user slow down , @ each project, instead of swiping through. since portfolio site, maybe thats thing in case.


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