javascript - Change Text on another Div -

good evening community, have problem code.


  <a href="aboutme.php">        <div class='aboutus'>             <div id="mbubble">                 stuff inside here             </div>         </div>    </a>    <div id='title'>         <div class="thome"><p style="letter-spacing:10;">text before</p></div>         <div class="tabout"><p style="letter-spacing:10;">text after</p></div> 

i want if hover on div "mbubble" class "thome" change it's text. tried making them visible / invisible.


#mbubble:hover ~ .thome { visibility:hidden; } #mbubble:hover ~ .tabout { visibility:visible; } 

but it's sowhing no affect?

can tell me how that? or @ least way that's working change text hovering?

best regards, michael

how this:

$('#mbubble').hover(function () {        $('.thome').html('<p style="letter-spacing:10;">now different</p>'); }) 


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