c# - How to set a custom class as Unique into an Entity in Entity Framework -

working on wpf project using entity framework 6.

my custom class includes 2 fields need unique (on top of id). 1 string type, other 1 custom type.

the implementation of entity class s follows:

public partial class myentity {     [key]     public int id { get; set; }      [maxlength(100)]     [index(isunique = true)]     public string name{ get; set; }      [maxlength(100)]     [index(isunique = true)]     public myclass myclass { get; set; } ... } 

then, when tray add new myentity via:


i exception:

  message=unable create constant value of type 'ns.myclass '. primitive types or enumeration types supported in context.   source=entityframework 

nb: other unique field (name) not generate exception if comment attribute of myclass declaration.

is there no way set custom class unique entity??

thx in advance.

in entity framework 6 have self. check soultion here: unique key constraints multiple columns in entity framework


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