amazon web services - Restarting machines in a docker swarm on AWS -

i have created docker swarm of 5 vms on aws using docker-machine. stopped 1 vm using command

docker-machine stop aws01 , tried docker-machine start aws01

but error

error checking tls connection: error checking and/or regenerating certs:  there error validating certificates host "5x.20x.23x.10x:2376":  x509: certificate valid 5x.2x.17x.25x, not 5x.20x.23x.10x can attempt regenerate them using 'docker-machine regenerate-certs [name]'. advised trigger docker daemon restart stop running containers 

is stoping , starting container such big deal everytime this, need regenerate certs?

is there low impact way of stoping , starting machines.

this never happened me when using local virtualbox vm docker. started when created docker machine on aws.

as can see since have 5 machines, starting , stopping big pain me because need regenerate certs machines everytime stop them? since aws can't keep machines running time.


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