aem - cq 6.0 How i can allow upload svg files to dam -

i using cq 6.0. how can allow upload svg files dam. when trying, this. found there, mime type svg image/svg+xml. tried add type adobe cq scene7 asset mime type service (from /system/console/configmgr), didn't help.


the following file has invalid extension or name contains illegal characters or spaces:


the file name should contain alphanumeric characters , dashes , underscores. jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, swf, flv, avi, mp3, mp4, mov, wmv, mpg, mkv, xml, xlsx, pdf, ics - valid extensions.

upd 6/8/2016 forbidden overridden dialogutils.js

the extension valid , file's name doesn't contains illegal characters. way found obtain message, correct file, adding spaces end of field (after text "mysvg.svg", in "mysvg.svg ") before uploading it.


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