php - XAMPP apache service not start -

when trying start apache services show following erron in error block panel

11:51:30 [apache] status change detected: stopped
11:51:30 [apache] error: apache shutdown unexpectedly.
11:51:30 [apache] may due blocked port, missing dependencies,
11:51:30 [apache] improper privileges, crash, or shutdown method.
11:51:30 [apache] press logs button view error logs , check
11:51:30 [apache] windows event viewer more clues
11:51:30 [apache] if need more help, copy , post this
11:51:30 [apache] entire log window on forums

plese me

hello if using skype skype tools->options->advanced->connection in check use-port there 1 text box may there default port using 80 make box empty. , save logout skype , login again skype use port other 80 apache working fine.

and there other solution can change default port apache 80 other apache httpd.conf servername localhost:80 other free port servername localhost:81 may helps you.


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