Inserting a character in front of every instance of a certain character in vi -

i have dataset have put excel every time there isn't data point instance, -1 put there instead, messing graph trying make. did research , people said if put asterix (*) before data point in excel, exclude point graph. can type ios vi insert asterix before every instance of -1? thanks!

assuming working csv file, should able distinguish -1 -1.4 or 1e-1 seeing if value comma separated.

to make pattern easier match, first modify file insert , beginning , end of lines.


then, apply substitution of -1 *-1 2 times. second time deal 2 -1 values in row.

:%s/,-1,/,*-1,/g :%s/,-1,/,*-1,/g 

then, remove , beginning , end.



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